Technological innovation based on intensive research and development (R&D) activities is a key characteristic of successful economies in the 21st century.
UFABC has a strong commitment with technological innovation where the institutional policy for intellectual property, technology transfer and entrepreneurship is managed by the Innovation Agency (also known as InovaUFABC), focusing on:
- Supporting actions for protecting intellectual property of knowledge and technological solutions created at UFABC;
- Providing technological support for increasing general awareness to R&D, entrepreneurship and innovation, by means of events, talks and continuous education;
- Promoting the interaction of UFABC staff and students with external technological actors, particularly with the enterprises.
The main goal of InovaABC is to develop activities that lead to the technological advancement of the ABC industrial region, aiming at achieving national and international relevance.
Within the agency, projects are managed by one of the 6 divisions:

Intellectual property
UFABC PI’s policies implementation promotes and supports UFABC researchers’ interaction (Patents Office) supports research projects identification of intellectual potential.

Strategic Intelligence
Future paths of the technologic development; Radar of the Brazilian innovation system; InovaUFABC internal and external communication; Technologic and scientific competences mapping Innovations agency newsletter; UFABC Community technologic reports.

Technological Extension and Continuing Education
Technical and scientific consultancy actions; Professional and technologic continuous education actions; Technologic extension actions and technical and scientific certification; Continuous education and scientific production.

Incubators and Technology Parks
UFABC Technology Incubation Center; Supports creation of technology entrepreneurs companies.

Technology Trasnfer
Scientific technology cooperation, Knowledge transfer and Innovation Arena.

Technological Entrepreneurship
Support to alumni associations; Entrepreneurship challenges; Support to independent inventors; Entrepreneurship ecosystem network; Challenge of new entrepreneur businesses.