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Study identifies priority areas for conservation of endangered crustacean in Brazil

The group was led by scientists affiliated with São Paulo State University (UNESP) and included colleagues from the Federal University of the ABC (UFABC) and the Federal University of...

  • publicado
  • 19/01/24
  • 12h15

Multidisciplinary, cross-border collaboration and stable levels of funding extend knowledge of the oceans

The increase in the share of other institutions was partly due to the creation of new centers, such as UNESP's São Paulo State Coast Campus (CLP) at São Vicente, established in 2002;...

  • publicado
  • 05/01/23
  • 12h45

Effects of antidepressants taken during pregnancy are poorly understood, scientists note

"...They don’t offer sufficient data to justify conclusive results,” said neuroscientist Alexandre Kihara, a researcher at the Neurogenetics Laboratory of the Federal University of the...

  • publicado
  • 14/12/22
  • 12h00

Contar histórias reduz a dor e o estresse e aumenta a oxitocina em crianças hospitalizadas

Uma pesquisa feita pelo IDor junto com a UFABC mostrou pela primeira vez que contar histórias é capaz de trazer benefícios fisiológicos e emocionais às crianças em...

  • publicado
  • 25/05/21
  • 14h00
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