Ana Claudia Oliveira Carreira Nishiyama
Área: Biotecnologia e Genômica Humana e Animal
Doutora em Ciências (Bioquímica) pelo Instituto de Química da Universidade de São Paulo (2006), e Pós-Doutora pela Universidade de São Paulo (Bioquímica, Biotecnologia e Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres) com estágios no exterior. Graduada em Ciências Biológicas (Bacharelado e Licenciatura Plena) pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Atualmente é Professora Adjunta do Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH) da Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), vinculada ao curso de Bacharelado em Biotecnologia.
Atua nas áreas de Biotecnologia Humana e Animal, Bioquímica e Terapia Celular, com ênfase em Biologia Molecular e Biologia Celular, envolvendo análises de sinalização celular e do secretoma de células-tronco e de células tumorais em diferentes condições de cultivo (2D e 3D) por diferentes ômicas, clonagem gênica, edição genômica (CRISPR-Cas9), produção de biofármacos e proteínas em sistemas recombinantes (bactérias, levedura, células de insetos e mamíferos), funcionalização de biomateriais e modelos animais (tecidos moles e duros, e CAM).
É orientadora no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres (PPGAADS) da FMVZ/USP e atua como pesquisadora colaboradora junto ao Grupo NUCEL de Terapia Celular e Molecular (FMUSP).
É autora de diversos artigos científicos, patentes, livros e materiais didático-pedagógicos e de divulgação científica, atuando também na área de Educação de Biotecnologia e Ciências para alunos de diferentes níveis de Ensino.
English version
Ana Claudia Oliveira Carreira has experience in areas of Human and Animal Biotechnology, Anatomy, Biochemistry and Cell Therapy, with emphasis on Molecular Biology and Cell Biology, involving analysis of stem cell secretome signaling, gene cloning, genomic editing (CRISPR-Cas9), regulation by microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs, 3D cultivation, production of proteins using different recombinant systems (bacteria, yeast, insect and mammalian cells, also aiming at the functionalization of biomaterials and decellularized extracellular matrices. She is author of several scientific articles, patents, books and scientific divulgation articles. She works on three major areas of human and animal research involving Regenerative Medicine, Cell Therapy and Cancer: "Production of Biopharmaceuticals in Mammalian and Insect Cells for Tissue Regeneration, Human and Animal Health" and "Stem Cells: Applications in Bioengineering and Cell Therapy" and "Control of Cell Proliferation and Origin of Neoplasms" investigating models of Placenta, Endometriosis, and Breast Cancer. She is Professor and Researcher at Federal University of ABC (Brazil), Member of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus of Biotechnology Bachelor Course (UFABC), and Professor at the Graduate Program in Anatomy of Domestic and Wild (PPGAADS) from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science at USP. Participate as Collaborating Researcher at the Cell and Molecular Therapy Group at the USP School of Medicine and the National Institute of Science and Technology in Regenerative Medicine (INCT-Regenera) and at the National Cell Therapy Network (RNTC). She has collaborations with several universities and institutes in Brazil and abroad (Ohio State University, Université de Montreal, UCSD, Children's Hospital Los Angeles/USC-University of Southern California, Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey, Universidad de La Frontera, Purdue University). It also works in the area of Science Education, organizing courses and teaching materials for the Teaching of Biotechnology and Science for students of different levels (Elementary School, High School, Undergraduate, Graduate). He graduated in Biological Sciences (Bachelor's Degree and Full Licentiate) at the Federal University of São Carlos. During graduation, she was a scholarship holder of CAPES's Special Improvement Program (PET) and was involved in several teaching, research and extension activities for the UFSCar community and the city of São Carlos. She completed her Direct Doctorate Degree in Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) at the Institute of Chemistry of the University of São Paulo, in the area of Protein Biochemistry and Heterologous Expression of Membrane Proteins. She is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of São Paulo with internships abroad.ORCid: Google Scholar: ResearchID:

- Centro: Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH)
- Curso(s): Bacharelado em Biotecnologia
- Sala: 627 - Bloco A - Santo André
- Telefone: 4996-8375
- E-mail:
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