Carlos Mario Márquez Sosa
Área: Teoria do Conhecimento e Filosofia da Ciência
Atua nas áreas de Filosofia da Linguagem, Filosofia da Mente, Filosofia da Ciência e Lógica. Pesquisa principalmente sobre teorias do significado e do conteúdo cognitivo (perceptual e linguístico), epistemologia analítica, referência singular e intencionalidade, cognição situada e dinâmica, representação e percepção de objetos, representação espacial e delimitação da noção de conteúdo empírico.
English version
Visiting Professor at the Philosophy Department of the UFABC, acting in the areas of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. PhD in Philosophy from the National University of Colombia (2016), Bachelor in Philosophy (2004) and Master in Philosophy (2006) from the National University of Colombia. Junior Post-Doctorate at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2016-2017) with support from CNPq proc. 152155/2016-3 and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo FFLCH-USP (2018-2021) with a FAPESP grant proc. 2018/04058-7. He has experience in Logic, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Science. Working mainly on the following topics: theories of meaning and cognitive content, analytic epistemology, singular reference, intentionality, situated and dynamic cognition, representation and perception of objects, spatial representation and the limits of the notion of empirical content.

- Centro: Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH)
- Curso(s): Bacharelado em Filosofia
- Sala: 233 - Bloco Delta - São Bernardo do Campo
- Telefone: 2320-6256
- E-mail:
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