Eduardo de Moraes Gregores
Área: Física das Partículas Elementares
Físico formado pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP) com Licenciatura obtida em 1984 e Bacharelado em 1990, Doutorado pelo Instituto de Física Teórica da Unesp (IFT) em 1997 e Pós-Doutorado na Universidade de Wisconsin, EUA, em 1999.
Foi professor da Pós-graduação do IFT entre 2002 e 2004, lecionando os cursos de Partículas Elementares I e II. Participa da realização do experimentos DZero do acelerador de partículas Tevatron no Fermilab (EUA) e do experimento CMS do acelerador LHC no CERN (Suíça).
English version
Physicist with a Teaching License and Bachelor's degree from the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (USP), MSc and PhD from the Institute of Theoretical Physics of Unesp (IFT) and Post-Doctorate at the University of Wisconsin, USA. He participated in the DZero experiment of the Tevatron particle accelerator at Fermilab (USA) and currently participates in the CMSexperimento of the LHC particle accelerator at CERN (Switzerland). He was Coordinator of Young Researcher Project at Fapesp and professor at IFT-Unesp. He is Associate Professor at the Federal University of ABC, where he was Pro-Rector of Post-Graduation and Pro-Rector of Research. He is currently co- Principal Investigator of Fapesp's Thematic Project.
- Centro: Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH)
- Sala: 646
- Telefone: 8394
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