Jeroen Johannes Klink
Jeroen Johannes Klink é doutor em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade de São Paulo, mestre em Economia Internacional e Economia Financeira pela Universidade Católica de Brabant, Tilburg–Holanda. Foi Secretário de Desenvolvimento e Ação Regional da Prefeitura de Santo André e Diretor Suplente na Agência de Desenvolvimento Econômico do Grande ABC. Leciona a disciplina Economia e Sociedade Regional no Programa de Mestrado em Administração no IMES – Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul. Sua experiência profissional como professor, consultor e pesquisador se deu na Holanda, Alemanha, Índia e Brasil.
Na Holanda trabalhou como professor/consultor do Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies em Roterdã.
É autor do livro “A cidade região: regionalismo e reestruturação no grande ABC paulista” (2001) e de diversas publicações nacionais e internacionais sobre o tema de desenvolvimento econômico local, governança regional e metropolitana.
English version
Jeroen Klink has a Bachelor and Masters degree in economics (Tilburg University, the Netherlands) and a PhD in urban planning (University of São Paulo, Brazil). Over the last thirty years, he has been active as a teacher, consultant and researcher in countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Germany, India, South Africa and Brazil. For instance, in the Netherlands he was a Staff Member of the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (Erasmus University- Rotterdam). In Brazil, he has worked for nine years in local government, among others as a secretary for development and regional planning in the city of Santo André (Metropolitan São Paulo) and as a Member of the Board of a Regional Development Agency in the industrial heartland of metropolitan São Paulo. Nowadays he is Professor of urban planning and economics at the Federal University of the ABC region (UFABC), which has been created in 2005 by the Brazilian government. He has been responsible for the coordination of several managerial and academic activities associated with the setting up of this new university. During 2012-2015 he coordinated the Graduate Program in Spatial Planning and Management. At present he develops his teaching, research and community extension services within the Undergraduate and Graduate programs for Spatial Planning and Management at the UFABC and the International Joint Master of Science SPRING/Regional Development Planning and Management (joint degree TU Dortmund University/UFABC). Since 2017 he is part of the management team of the Laboratory for Urban and Regional Studies and Projects (LEPUR) at the UFABC (Site: He has published regularly in peer reviewed Brazilian and international journals on issues related to urban economics and finance, the planning field and metropolitan governance. He is on the advisory board of academic journals such as EURE (Chile), International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development (Inglaterra/Oxford) and the Journal of Economic and Human Geography (Wiley/Netherlands) and does peer reviews for several Brazilian and international journals such as Urban Studies; Environment and Planning; Cities; Planning Theory; International Journal of Urban and Regional Research; Territory, Politics, Governance; Housing Studies; Cadernos Metrópole; Revista brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais; Ambiente e Sociedade; and URBE (Revista brasileira de gestão urbana). Since 2020, he sits on the Board of Trustees of the Urban Studies Foundation (Glasgow/Scotland). He is also part of the Editorial Board of the Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbano e Regionais (Administration 2023-2025). Email: recent book publication: Klink J (2020) Metropolis, Money and Markets. Brazilian Urban Financialization in Times of Re-emerging Global Finance. London/New York: Routledge.

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