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Página inicial > Ensino > Docentes > Klaus Frey
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Klaus Frey

Área: Políticas Públicas, Instituições Públicas, Processos Decisórios

English version

Klaus Frey holds a bachelor's and a master's degree in Public Administration ("Diplom-Verwaltungswissenschaftler") from the University of Konstanz, Germany (1989), where he also did his doctoral studies in Social Science (concluded in 1997). He completed a one-year postdoctoral research stay at the Technological University of Berlin, Germany (02/2007-02/2008). Since 2011 he is a full professor (Professor Titular) at the Federal University of the ABC (São Paulo, Brazil), where he coordinated the Graduate Program in Public Policies, and participates at a Postgraduate Program in Territorial Planning and Management. Currently he coordenates in behalf of the PGPP international Master programm SPRING - International Joint Master of Science Regional Development Development and Management - in joint degree with the Technical University Dortmund, Germany. He was visiting Professor at University Piloto of Colombia at the master in Urban Management in 2012, and at University Milano-Bicocca at the Postgraduate Program "Programming and Management of the Political and the Social Services" in 2015 and 2016. He was member of the Scientific Committees of the IV World Planning Schools Congress (WPSC), held from July 3-8, 2016 at UFRJ/Rio de Janeiro. He is researcher of the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPQ) and has experience in Political Science and Urban and Regional Planning, working specifically on the following subjects: public governance, institutional analysis intergovernmental relations; policy networks; democracy and participation; public policy analysis; sustainable development.


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