Michelle Sato Frigo
Área: Engenharia de Energia ; Planejamento Energético
English version
Degree is in Agronomist Engineer, Master and Doctor in Agronomy, concentration area "Energy in Agriculture" by the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences (FCA) of the State University of São Paulo (UNESP).Solo mother of João Pedro (09/06/2011) and on maternity leave from 05 to 11/2011. Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of ABC in the undergraduate course of Management Engineering and Bachelor of Science and Technology, currently Assistant Coordinator of the Bachelor of Science and Technology Course from 2022-2024. She served on several administrative committees at the University, having been one of the collaborators of the Sustainable UFABC Program, which has the Sustainable Logistics Management Plan 2016 - 2022 (PLS) as its main instrument, as well as in several extension projects in the area of agroecology, organic production and sustainable consumption, as at the UFABC NEA.She currently participates in the NEG, is an alternate teaching representative of CECS at CONSEPE (Superior Council for Teaching, Research and Extension), full teaching member of CEPT-PROAP (Special Commission for Transgender People), alternate teaching member of CPAF -PROAP (Commission for Affirmative Policies) and substitute professor in the Ethics Committee of UFABC.Professional experience and work in the areas of sustainable development for family farming, agroecology, rural extension, environmental management and communication. She works since graduation with the theme of agroecology and organic production, having interned in several relevant institutions in the area, such as COOPERAFLORESTA and ECOCITRUS.She was a professor of Agronomy and Environmental Engineering courses at the UDC, PUC-PR, UFMS and UFPR institutions, teaching disciplines related to the area of expertise. Technical production for institutions such as INCRA and PTI-Itaipu Binacional with family farmers on ATER themes.In the EMBRACE-UFABC Project, she will act as na Lider Teacher (Instruction developer).

- Centro: Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas (CECS)
- Sala: n/d
- Telefone: n/d
- E-mail: michelle.sato@ufabc.edu.br
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