Nathalie de Almeida Bressiani
Área: Filosofia - Ética
Faz parte da Comissão Editorial dos Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade, revista da qual já foi editora. Publicou artigos, capítulos de livro e resenhas sobre teoria crítica, teoria feminista, ética e filosofia política. Realiza atualmente pesquisa sobre Axel Honneth e a nova geração da teoria crítica e trabalha na tradução de Problemas de Legitimação no Capitalismo Tardio, de Jürgen Habermas.
English version
Nathalie Bressiani is Philosophy professor at the Federal University of ABC since 2016 (UFABC), has coordinated the Philosophy Graduate Program (2019-2021) and is vice-coordinator of the Bachelor in Philosophy and of the Research Program in Philosophy for undergraduate Students at the same University (2022-current). She is a researcher at the Center for Law and Democracy, at CEBRAP, where she developed her postdoctoral research. Nathalie graduated in philosophy from the University of São Paulo (2007), where she also completed her master's (2010) and doctorate (2015), the latter with a research internship at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; developed postdoctoral researches at the University of Rennes (2017) and at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2018). Works with critical theory, feminist theory and political philosophy. She is part of the Editorial Committee of ?Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade? (A2), journal she edited. She has translated books and papers on her research topics. (link to publications:
- Centro: Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas (CCNH)
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