Rafael Celeghini Santiago
Área: Engenharia Aeroespacial, subárea: Materiais Aplicados
Possui área de atuação de impacto estrutural, materiais compósitos, laminados fibra-metal (FML), métodos experimentais, métodos dos elementos finitos. É professor do curso de engenharia na Universidade Anhembi Morumbi desde 2014.
English version
Daniel Roland has a PhD in Economics from the University of Kent, a MSc degree in Economics from the University of São Paulo, Brazil and a BSc degree, also in Economics, from the Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil. He is currently a visiting professor at UFABC, Brazil. He has experience as a research assistant in a project financed by the Asian Development Bank, as a research assistant (ad hoc) for the Centre for Health and Social Care Studies at the University of Kent and is currently also a research associate (on leave) at the Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent, working on research in health and social care economics focused on the United Kingdom and developed countries.

- Centro: Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas (CECS)
- Sala: n/d
- Telefone: n/d
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